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Ping, Pong Ping, Pong Ping, Pong Table, Tennis Table tennis girl Ping pong is played with a small, round, hollow ball Usually white in color And incredibly bouncy Bouncy, girl Ping pong is played with a small, round, hollow girl One girl described to me how she, girl Small, colorful paddles are used to thwack the ball rapidly between opponents Rebounding off a green table with a miniature net hence the name; ping pong Fast, exhilarating, and immensely enjoyable Table tennis girl, Ping pong Table tennis girl, Ping pong Played with a small, round, hollow ball White in color Fast, exhilarating, and immensely enjoyable Table tennis girl, Ping pong Thwack Table tennis girl, Ping pong Incredibly bouncy And incredibly bouncy Girl, ping, pong, ping, pong, ping, pong, Table, tennis Table tennis girl Table tennis girl Ping pong Goodnight, and ping, pong Ping pongLyrics:
Well there's, daffodils And pansies; buttercups Uhh, don't like brambles much Uhm, 'course there's uhm, clover Moss Apples; mmmm do you like apples? Pears? Uhm then there's trees Trees, lots of trees yes Oak and pash and peach, Magnolia hedges 'course there's the occasional cow Oh there he goes all the sweet flowers grow in an English country garden Oh there he goes all the sweet flowers grow in an English country garden Trees, trees, trees, trees, No, don't like brambles much Oh there he goes Oh there he goes all the sweet flowers grow in an English country garden Nuhm Sheeps and possibly, a kangaroo or two, And then uhm ah ! time for my tea Well there's oak, and mash, beech, magnolia, hedges, brambles, kangaroo, chips, daffodils, moss, apples, pears, clover, buttercups, trees, thrashers, Oak, mash, beech, magnolia, hedges, brambles, kangaroo, chips, daffodils, moss, apples, pears, clover, buttercups, trees, Oak, mash, beech, magnolia, hedges, brambles, kangaroo, chips, daffodils, moss, apples, pears, clover, buttercups, trees, Trees, trees, trees, trees, trees, trees, Chips, and possibly a kangaroo or twoFill out this form with your username and email address. A link will be emailed to you, where you will be able to enter a new password for your account.
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